Gail Walker, one of Chateauguay and the Southwest Quebec area region's better known and trusted Real Estate Brokers, will be speaking tomorrow at an informative lecture offered by the Seniors Wellness and Awareness Program.
CIBC Mortgage Advisor Seinjit Jit will also be a keynote speaker at this event. The Monteregie West Community Network and The Chateauguay Civitan Club will be hosting this informative discussion for the many who are interested in learning more about Real Estate planning and mortgages,downsizing and more.

Pearl Fennel, another guest speaker, will discuss tasks like Springtime home organization and ‘decluttering’. Reserve NOW for tomorrow’s event : May 17th 10 am to 1 pm at the Chateauguay Civitan Club: 3 Rue Paul-Hallé, Châteauguay, QC J6K 3L4 Event/ and entry fee is only $2.00 with lunch included! Contact Louise 450-699-1255 or Pauline 450-617-0513 to confirm that you will be attending/RSVP.