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How Health Access In Canada Compares: Not so well apparently!

How Canada Compares: Results From The Commonwealth Fund’s 2016 International Health Policy Survey of Adults in 11 Countries via Canadian Institute for Health Information: "Canada continues to perform below the international average for timely access to patient care. "Only 43% of Canadians report that they were able to get a same- or next-day appointment at their regular place of care the last time they needed medical attention — the lowest percentage of all countries. Delivering care that is centered around the patient is a health care goal in Canada and many other developed countries. By comparing the experiences of Canadians with those of adults in 10 other developed countries, this report provides important perspective on how well health systems in Canada are meeting the needs and expectations of patients." Read the report here via our link. To summarize this report - Sorry Canada, looks like you are not doin' so well.



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