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Museo Atlantico: The Art of Travel - Diving Right In.

The Museo Atlantico is Spain's stunning sculpture museum at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

Situated at a depth of 15 meters underwater off the coast of Lanzarote Spain, is where British artist Jason deCaires Taylor has created a masterpiece venue to view his works.

He was also the artist who created a similar underwater exhibit in Cancun.

In collaboration with Marine Park Director Jaime Gonzalez Canto,the Cancún Underwater Museum (Spanish: Museo Subacuático de Arte, known as MUSA) is a non-profit organization based in Cancún, Mexico devoted to the art of conservation. The museum has a total of 500 sculptures, with three different galleries submerged between three and six meters deep in the ocean at the Cancún National Marine Park.

His newest installation, Museo Atlántico, will be built in several phases. The first phase, which consists of six different groups, is now complete.It was conceived as a place to promote education and preserve and protect the marine and natural environment.

At Atlantico, divers and snorkelers can now visit the only underwater museum in Europe.It has been open to the public since 2 March 2016. Take a look around at these exhibits, they are simply breathtaking.


Museo Subacuático de Arte

Museo Atlántico,ún_Underwater_Museum



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