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Police/SQ "Operation VACCIN" Underway on Québec Roadways

OPERATION VACCIN has now officially hit the roadways and highways of Québec since yesterday evening and will continue with heightened presence and roadside checks throughout the holiday season, until January 2017.

The Sûreté du Québec in conjunction with local and Regional Police forces have named this year’s intervention "OPERATION VACCIN" which stands for : Vérification accrue de la capacité de conduite — Intervention nationale».

The SQ, in partnership with local and Regional Police will conjointly monitor the roadways and distribute stickers to drivers while informing them about the consequences of driving under the influence.

Remember NEVER drink and drive, call Operation Nez Rouge locally at 450-699-6011, or elsewhere in Québec at: 1 866 Desjardins (1-866-337-5273) to have you and your vehicle escorted home safely.

Châteauguay’s Operation Nez Rouge Service hours : 20:30 p.m. - 3:30 a.m.

You may also download the App via their website at


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