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The Montreal Heart Institute to Notify Past Cardiac Surgery Patients as to "Minimal Risk"

The Montreal Heart Institute (L'Institut de cardiologie de Montréal) are in process of notifying thousands of patients who have undergone open heart cardiac surgery since 2012, due to a low probability risk of infection. (0,1 % à 1 %) Only 2 patients have been diagnosed with the bacteria called Mycobacterium chimaera out of a potential 8458 patients thus far. The suspected source was likely a Thermal generator machine from Germany that is commonly used during cardiopulmonary ...bypass surgery, - all machines have since been replaced. The bacteria in question is usually harmless and rarely creates complications. See more information below:

To contact the information Line at the MHI, dial: 514 593-2505 or 1 844 593-2505.

A MHI professional is available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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