Howard S. Billings Regional High School in Chateauguay has been selected to take part in a sexual health and education related pilot project offered by The Ministry of Education of Quebec.
Varying levels of chosen provincial educational institutions involved in the project are to ensure that instruction is tailored appropriately to the students’ ages and according level of development.
Overall, each student will receive 5 to 15 hours of sexuality education per year.
Classes are slated to begin in 2015 for some grades, and 2016 for others. Full implementation of the Sex Ed program to all schools and all class levels is expected in 2017-2018.
Coordination of the related curriculum planning will be the responsibility of the respective school's administration, and 'the plan' is to be approved on a yearly basis by the appropriate governing board.
Various topics like Emotional and romantic relationships, Sexual conduct, Sexual violence Prevention of STIs and pregnancy will be taught in an age-appropriate manner and instruction is aimed "to foster the students’ development and make them less vulnerable to certain problems," according to the Ministry.
Québec schools “exercised their responsibility” with respect to sexuality education for almost 40 years. This was first carried out through the Personal and Social Education Program, which ran from the 1980s to the start of this century according to the ministry’s website.
For examples on the specific grade level planning framework of the upcoming proposed curriculum program please follow the link below.