A second accident has occurred in the span of 12 hours on Highway 138- this time towards Montreal - and has sadly taken the life of a male in his thirties.
The ChateauguayCitizen.com spoke with the Sûreté du Québec this morning who stated that SPEEDING was likely the issue in this deadly accident.
The vehicle was travelling eastbound on the 138 after coming off the Mercier Bridge span at approximately 1.a.m., when it crashed into a Hydro Québec Pole near the Clement street exit, in proximity of Jean Milot.
Attempts were made to resuscitate the man to no avail.
Speed is definitely a main contributive factor in these recurring accident scenarios in BOTH directions along the spans of the 138.
Hydro electric power to the surrounding proximate homes and businesses in this Lasalle area remained out as of early this morning.