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Desjardins/MRC Scholarship and Grants


Desjardins MRC Scholarship and Grants Program

Local artists and developers of regional based art and culture will have until April 19th to submit their project in consideration of being awarded a monetary Scholarship or Grant via the MRC and Caisses Desjardins.

A MRC/Desjardins Scholarships and Grants program has been established to assist and encourage professional artists of the MRC Roussillon.

The aim is to contribute to the emergence and sustenance of new artistic talents, in addition to offering financial support to cultural projects in the region.

The MRC Roussillon, in association with the Caisses Desjardins are participating in this regional development of local Arts and Culture via the offering of these scholarships and are intended to provide additional financial support.

$ 38,000 is slated to be awarded in 2015.

Examples of some available scholarships below:

Research and Creation

This $ 3,000 scholarship is to provide financial support for research and the creation of works by allowing an artist to fulfill a project that will promote the development of his or her artistic approach/discipline.

Exchange: Development

This $ 2500 scholarship allows an artist to do an internship or participate in training workshops, seminars and symposia, to enrich their knowledge, stimulate their artistic approach and acquire greater mastery of their art.

Emerging artists/Exchange Desjardins Succession

This $ 1,500 scholarship is intended to support a young emerging artist, having already undertaken formal training, in the embodiment of creative activities that will give him the opportunity to rise to a professional level of artistic status.

To be considered an ‘Emerging Artist’ you must be aged between 18 and 35 , have less than five years of professional arts practice and as the author of at least one artistic achievement that aired or produced in a professional context.

There will be an additional award of $1,000 up for grabs by entrants.

It shall be awarded to those who receive the majority of votes via the website of (in the "Vote for your favorite project" section) Between April 20 and May 31, in conjunction with selection via the official Panel or Jury.

Project Submission, Evaluation and the Entry criteria for all grants and scholarships are available at the website



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