As part of the activities surrounding the celebration of Earth Day 2015, a distribution of rainwater barrels will be held at IGA Châteauguay (90, Boulevard D'anjou) Saturday, April 25, 2015.
An easy way to help our Environment!
This water collection barrel can be used to water your garden, plants and other outdoor uses. An offering of discounted Rain Barrels will be available-reserved and/or random drawing- a drawing will be held if requests exceed the available quantity planned for distribution.
Chateauguay Citizens interested in being part of this distribution, must register online at http://goo.gl/Cb6x1e and will be redirected to an electronic registration form that they have to complete to confirm their participation. Registration is required. The registration period ends 14 days before the date of distribution of the drums.
A total of 70 rainwater barrels are said to be available. If the number of entries received exceeds this number, a random drawing will determine the winners. Shortly after the draw, all competitors will be notified of the result of the draw by email, they won or not. The winners will have to go to the IGA Châteauguay and may obtain a barrel at the discounted rate of $ 30 (vs. $ 85 for the original value)
via :
http://www.ville.chateauguay.qc.ca/baril-eau (French only)