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Car Teetered Perilously over the Mercier Bridge

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A terrifying accident took place last night around 7:30 p.m. on the Mercier Bridge.

The Sûreté du Québec told the that 2 occupants were driving across the Mercier headed toward Montreal, when they lost control near the recently configured curve located near the Airlie exit in the construction zone.

The driver of the car reportedly lost control and then the vehicle launched up and over the guard rail - leaving it side facing up in the air, on the structure of a cement pillar- and at a serious risk of going over the side into the water!

The male and female occupants of the vehicle were able to free themselves and escape to safety with no significant injuries.

Speed may have been a factor in the accident.

The has called the MTQ ( and the Montreal branch) in regard to this curve in the past, as many commuters feel that it is dangerous.

We are awaiting responses to our specific inquiries from another communication today with the MTQ. They said that they will respond in 5-10 days!


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