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HS Billings and the Rosetta Stone


It was reported today that some parents of HS Billings’ alternative program are asking why their students are said to be studying their French Language Class via a Rosetta Stone French computer generated program, and if so, why it may be in use as substitution in absence of a designated French teacher in the classroom.

According to recent media reports, New Frontiers School Board officials may have offered reasons for the implementation of the program might have been due lack of appropriate staff and to teacher maternity/paternity leave.

Whatever caused the integration of the Rosetta Stone computer based language program instead of an actual teacher led French language curriculum, is causing quite a controversy.

Statements of concern are also being voiced questioning of the level of French being offered by such a program – and some fear that it may jeopardize the students’ chance to pass the provincial exams with success.

More on this subject is to follow when more information is made available.


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