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Akwesasne Men Go Missing while Snowmobiling


2 snowmobile riders from Akwesasne presumedly met with tragedy yesterday in the Montérégie area of Dundee, near Lake St Francois.

One rider has been declared deceased last night and the other remains missing, with authorities not being able to confirm his whereabouts or the circumstances surrounding his disappearance.

Relatives of these missing men contacted authorities in the late evening last night after they did not return home.

The Sûreté du Québec commenced an evening search for the pair after notification of their 'missing status' via the RCMP.

One of the snowmobile riders was later found unresponsive near Lac Saint Francois. He was then brought to a proximate area hospital where he was declared dead.

The other Akwesasne resident remains missing at this time, so the search will resume today.

photo not from actual event-accessory image purposes only


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