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St. Constant School Event Cancelled due to Controversy!

Male and female students doing schoolwork

Our neighboring community of St.Constant was in the news amid reports of controvery surrounding a proposed school event. Intended to take place today, the event was being organized by employees to have a type of diversity inspired ‘Opposite Gender Day’ that was intended to sensitize the children with the theme of "exploring differences".The plan was slated to have the kids wear opposing gender specific clothing, likely with the goal of sharing an experience that might help boys and girls understand a bit more what it felt like to be a member of the opposite sex, which is usually intended with the aim of fostering appreciation of the diversity among people.

The plan was slated to have the kids wear opposing gender specific clothing, likely with the goal of sharing an experience that might help boys and girls understand a bit more what it felt like to be a member of the opposite sex, which is usually intended with the aim of fostering appreciation of the diversity among people.

This proposed ‘event’ was quickly met with controversy and diverse opinions from parents and guardians once announced.

Some applauded the idea, thinking perhaps the students could have learned about personal identity issues and self related empowerment tools, whereas other parents took offence and voiced their complaints and feelings of apprehension with the projected ‘theme’ day.

This type of event has actually been celebrated at other North American schools, reflecting upon anti-harassment” and “anti-discrimination”.

Many of those schools have also been often met with the same type of controversy and adversarial opinions by both parents and officials alike, as now with cancelled event in St Constant.

Due to the opposing positions, school officials have reportedly decided to cancel today’s planned event altogether. In the end, it was reported that due the controversy, in the end, they were simply not able to see ‘eye to eye’ or able to achieve a clear consensus on the projected plan.

The organizers seemingly had the aim of fostering a theme related appreciation of the diversity among people…What do you think?


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