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Saputo supports Bovine rights !


The Saputo group of Montreal have suspended their buying of milk that was being supplied by the largest Dairy farm in British Columbia. Chilliwack Cattle Sales, is Canada's largest Milk Dairy farm and is the center of an alledged Bovine abuse scandal.

Saputo's reasons cite animal cruelty accusations that were alledgedly filmed on that same dairy farm.

An internet video released by Mercy For Animals shows cows being punched, kicked, whipped and beaten with chains, and other types of animal abuse.

Provinicial regulations state that companies like Saputo must purchase all dairy via the Provincial dairy board.The farm pledged to install security devices to ensure the safety of the herd.

animal activists are calling for the arrest of the alledged abusers. A shocking video has gone viral, and Animal cruelty charges are being recommended against a total of eight employees perhaps implicated in the suspected Bovine abuse at Chilliwack Cattle Sales.

Saputo actions' hope to ensure the situation is being addressed and that such reprehensible behaviour does not occur in the future," said their statement.

"While we do not own the farms, we care deeply about the way the milk we sell is produced. We will not accept milk from the B.C. Milk Marketing Board supplied by this farm until we are fully satisfied that strict animal welfare practices are in place,"

Bravo, Saputo and Mercy For Animals!



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