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Bars until 6 a.m.? Not in Montreal!


Bars until 6 a.m.? Not in Montreal - Pilot Project Shot down at the last minute..

Quebec’s Liquor control board, the Régie des Alcools, des Courses et des Jeux has made a last minute decision determining that they will no longer permit the ' planned pilot project that would allow a number of Montreal Bars to remain open until six a.m.

It has been reported that they feel that this 'trial run' could be contrary to public interest and could potentially disturb public tranquility.

The mayor of Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre was in agreement to this trial period as he has stated in the past that the present 3 a.m. hour closing time leads to disturbances of the peace and various problematics due to the expelling of club and bar patrons into the streets of Montreal all at the same time.

19+ Montreal bars had already made preparations and had hired additional staff just to be shut down at the last minute..

Dear Régie des Alcools, des Courses et des Jeux -

Bars until 6 a.m.? Not in Montreal - Pilot Project Shot down at the last minute..

Perhaps you could have given these entrepreneurs more of a fair warning...

Montreal bars,Bars until 6 a.m, Montreal, Chateauguay,


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